Sunday 1 January 2017

A New Place

Are you in a new place in life, a juncture, a chapter, or a phase? I am talking about a place that will require a new level of challenge, a place that will require a new you, a better you at the matter of fact.

This place can be scary I agree; with so many "what ifs", so many uncertainties and unfamiliarity; but I tell you, you will never realize what stuff you are made of until you get here. You could either retreat into your comfort zone and continue to aim at nothing and never missing a single shot or you can take up this new challenge and experience a new you that was always there but never have been put to the test.

This place will require all you've got physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but you will have to dig your heels in and face it head on. It will come hard at you like a sand paper robbing hard at you on every side but you will always come out smoother and better.

It is very easy and convenient to be in your comfort zone, but you will always never achieve anything worth while even when it is in your place of proper calling(i.e the place of your most talent and God given ability). You can't afford to be too comfortable no matter what height you have attained, there's always more.

Andrew Wommack often say, "if you are not living on the edge you are taking too much space" and it's true; the day you finally think you have arrived then you have arrived, cause one's a man arrives, the journey is over and you are just about set to be a "by word"; cause while you have arrived the rest of the world is still moving and certain persons in your field who have achieved just as much as you have still thinks they have just been scratching the surface.

You have to remember that you were created in the image of God and as such, you were created to be better than your last achievement. Lets face it, you will never be able to achieve as much as He has purposed for you to, because His plans are mind bugling and as humans we tend to limit His work in our lives, but the best you can do is to open your heart to new opportunities He is wooing you into.

Follow your heart.

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