Thursday 9 November 2017

Five(5) Tips On How To Nurture Your Dreams

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam — 'Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.'

However if we do not nurture them, they will die or fade into a figment in our imagination.

Our dreams are meant to be a driving force in our inside, driving us to arriving there in real life; but when this driving force parks up, stagnation becomes reality.

Success requires Consistency as a key ingredient. Consistency would be in place only when our dreams are fresh, cherished and strong in our minds.

1. Identify and avoid dream killers.

Know and refrain as much as possible from those around you that seems to one way or the other always suffocate your aspirations, as seen either by their comments or disposition.

They are no good to your dreams. Intelligently keep them away from your dreams, aspirations and plan if you cannot necessarily avoid them.

2. Accommodate opportunities that will take you closer into attaining your dreams.

Be objectively open to opportunities that present potential of drawing you closer to your dreams.

Do not shy away from them; weigh them, and if they are appropriate, in line and crucial, accepts them.

This opportunities will keep you motivated and serve as a source of great encouragement.

3. See setbacks, as unfortunate as they may seem, as a detour that will ultimately culminate into a vital path of the journey.

Setbacks may delay you, but they will always make you stronger and razor sharper.

You will always never see any good in setbacks at first, but I can assure you that there is a good in it; you will eventually recognize it in the long run.

4. Know the difference between Passion and Interest, and make your dreams your passion.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Five(5) Simple Reasons Why People Fail

The failures we encounter can be traced to five(5) simple root causes, but let me say a few things things first.

The fear of failing is rearly the reason for failing as mostly perceived.

This is true because for the most part we don't really fear failing, but what we do fear is whether or we have it in us to rise from a terrible fall.

We fear succeeding and not having what it takes to sustain it.

It is not the fear of failing that keeps us from trying, it is the fear of "am I good enough or deserving of this blessing or success."

The fear of failing is not the primary issue, it could be the fear of discovering or manifesting  a part of us we never knew existed before, on the road to success.

I am emphasizing on fear because for me, it is not among the five(5) primary reason people fail.

So, here are five(5) simple reasons people fail. People,

1. Underestimate their Strengths.

We fail because we are more conscious and confident about our weaknesses than our strengths. We know pound for pound all our area of weaknesses and how bad it looks, but we know or take to account little or nothing our strengths.

We will seldom succeed if we never come to Identify, Cultivate and Nurture on our strengths rather than on our weaknesses.

2. Underestimate the fruits of Hard Work and Diligence.

Hard work pays. Diligence elevates. Down playing on the importance of these, in building our core values could prove fatal to our success in life.