Thursday 19 October 2017


Permit me to tell you why emotions are such bad leaders but great followers.

Have you notice how things whined up badly when done out of some feeling or emotion(or spur of the moment of some sort), especially when done through any minimal contemplation of any kind?

Haven't you regretted afterwords, making an important life decision based on a whim? It is because emotions are such bad leaders.

Our emotions are not smart. Someone said "emotions are without brains". You need to give your emotions the passenger's seat not the driver's, or you will pay for it later.

Truly, our emotions are very very important, and we can accomplish much with them, only when wisdom is applied with it - this is where taking the lead comes in.

Emotions are like YO-YO's, they are these now and that immediately after, ever changing and for the majority of the time should not to be trusted.

For example, if you really want to get a job done, you will have to really dig your heels in and stick with it regardless off how you feel or don't feel. And when you stick with it long enough even though you started not feeling like doing any of it, you will realize that you emotions will catch up and become excited eventually; see, good followers.