Saturday 16 September 2017


Life is a collection of times and seasons. One will never catch a break from it - even that is time. As one is exiting from one season, he is entering into another;it is a continuous cycle. Think about it.

Crops for example have their different seasons with which they flourish. While some do well in this others don't and would do well at another.

Time makes up for seasons as seasons makes up life. How well you maximize time culminates into your seasons and consequently your life.

Time should be invested not spent. Why not pay now and play later rather than the contrary. The irony here is that in both ways there is a "paying" - you determine whether it is now or later.

The success of a season should not be measured by the level of productivity. You might be in a season  where everything is working well and as planned, enjoy it. If you are at a season things seems not to be going with the flow you envisaged, don't get discouraged, resist the temptation to quit, rather make the most of what you have.

Like trees, you may thrive in some seasons and kind off go through the motions in others, but remember to make the must out of both, trees do.